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General Policies


All campers must have a previous separation class prior to the start of camp.
This may include an “on my own” preschool or activity class experience.

Age Groups…

As a frequent flyer or globe trotter, children 2.5-6 years old will find a world of adventure at Summer Days Camp! Please note children are grouped by age. The birthday cut-off date is May 31st. If you wish to be placed with a friend, and the ages are close, please let us know and we will do everything we can to accommodate your request.

Flexible Scheduling…

Camp is in session Monday through Friday, with half-day and full-day options Monday through Thursday, and half-days on Fridays. Additional weeks may be added throughout the camp season, provided space is available—please reserve by the previous Thursday. Campers attending camp from 9 – 12 may also extend their day until 3:00 PM on a weekly basis.

Physical Examination…

Each child must have an examination by a physician dated after February 1st. A medical form, including specific dates of all inoculations, must be completed by a physician and submitted to Summer Days. Campers may not attend this program without a completed medical form. The medical form is available on MAGIC’s website in the Summer Days Camp section. Also, please alert your child’s counselors to any allergies, physical limitations, or special dietary restrictions.

Arrival and Dismissal Times…

are as important for camp as they are for school; please strive be on time. If your child is to go home with anyone other than the authorized person(s) on your application, we need a written note; we will not dismiss the child to anyone we do not know.

Camp Weeks…

Weeks and days may not be changed. There are no make-ups, credits, or refunds for any missed days or weeks, for any reason. Due to the flexibility in our program, groups and classrooms may occasionally change during the camp season. We will try to keep this to a minimum.

Please note that Summer Days reserves the right to terminate this agreement if tuition is not paid in full or if a camper’s behavior proves detrimental to the health and safety of our campers and/or program.  

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